package Apache::Sybase::DBlib; use Sybase::DBlib; use strict; sub message_handler { my ($db, $message, $state, $severity, $text, $server, $procedure, $line) = @_; my($row); if ($severity > 0) { print STDERR ("Sybase message ", $message, ", Severity ", $severity, ", state ", $state); print STDERR ("\nServer `", $server, "'") if defined ($server); print STDERR ("\nProcedure `", $procedure, "'") if defined ($procedure); print STDERR ("\nLine ", $line) if defined ($line); print STDERR ("\n ", $text, "\n\n"); if(defined($db)) { my ($lineno, $cmdbuff) = (1, undef); $cmdbuff = &Sybase::DBlib::dbstrcpy($db); foreach $row (split (/\n/, $cmdbuff)) { print STDERR (sprintf ("%5d", $lineno ++), "> ", $row, "\n"); } } } elsif ($message == 0) { print STDERR ($text, "\n"); } 0; } sub error_handler { my ($db, $severity, $error, $os_error, $error_msg, $os_error_msg) = @_; # Check the error code to see if we should report this. if ($error != SYBESMSG) { print STDERR ("Sybase error: ", $error_msg, "\n"); print STDERR ("OS Error: ", $os_error_msg, "\n") if defined ($os_error_msg); } INT_CANCEL; } &dbmsghandle ("message_handler"); # Some user defined error handlers &dberrhandle ("error_handler"); my(%Connected); sub connect { my($self, @args) = @_; my($Uid, $Pwd, $Srv) = @args; my $idx = join ":", (@args) || (@{$self}); return $Connected{$idx} if $Connected{$idx}; print STDERR "connecting to $idx...\n" if $main::DEBUG; $Connected{$idx} = Sybase::DBlib->dblogin($Uid, $Pwd, $Srv); } sub DESTROY { } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::Sybase::DBlib - persistent database connection via DBlib =head1 SYNOPSIS use Apache::Sybase::DBlib; $dbh = Apache::Sybase::DBlib->connect($Uid, $Pwd, $Srv); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a persistent database connection via Sybase DBlib. All you really need is to replace Sybase::Ctlib with Apache::Sybase. When connecting to a database the module looks if a database handle from a previous connect request is already stored. If not, a new connection is established and the handle is stored for later re-use. The destroy method has been intentionally left empty. =head1 SEE ALSO Apache(3) =head1 AUTHORS mod_perl by Doug MacEachern Apache::DBI by Edmund Mergl ---------------------------------------------------- # @(#)dblib.t 1.17 2/20/96 package TEST; use CGI::Switch; use Apache::Sybase::DBlib; $obj = new CGI::Switch; $ENV{'SYBASE'}="xxxxxxxx"; Sorry, let you fill in the xxxxx!! $ENV{'DSQUERY'}="xxxxxxxx"; $Srv = $ENV{'DSQUERY'}; $Uid = "xxxx"; $Pwd = "xxxxxxxx"; $database = "xxx"; my($rows,$count, $ref); $rows=0; $count=0; $ref=""; print $obj->header(); print $obj->start_html("Test of Apache::Sybase::DBlib"); # This test file is still under construction... $Version = $SybperlVer; $Version = $Sybase::DBlib::Version; $Sybase::DBlib::Att{UseDateTime} = TRUE; print "

Test of Apache::Sybase::DBlib

\n"; print "
\nSybperl Version $Version\n";

( $X = Apache::Sybase::DBlib->connect($Uid, $Pwd, $Srv) )
    and print("ok 1\n")
    or print "not ok 1
-- The supplied login id/password combination may be invalid\n";

( $X->dbuse('master') == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED )
    and print("ok 2\n")
    or print "not ok 2\n";

($X->dbcmd("select count(*) from systypes") == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 3\n")
    or print "not ok 3\n";

($X->dbsqlexec == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 4\n")
    or print "not ok 4\n";

($X->dbresults == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 5\n")
    or print "not ok 5\n";

($count) = $X->dbnextrow;
($X->{DBstatus} == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::REG_ROW)
    and print "ok 6\n"
    or print "not ok 6\n";

($X->{DBstatus} == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::NO_MORE_ROWS)
    and print "ok 7\n"
    or print "not ok 7\n";

($X->dbresults == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::NO_MORE_RESULTS)
    and print("ok 8\n")
    or print "not ok 8\n";

($X->dbcmd("select * from systypes") == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 9\n")
    or print "not ok 9\n";

($X->dbsqlexec == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 10\n")
    or print "not ok 10\n";

($X->dbresults == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 11\n")
    or print "not ok 11\n";

$err = 0;
while(@row = $X->dbnextrow) {
        ++$err if($X->{DBstatus} != &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::REG_ROW);
($err == 0)
    and print("ok 12\n")
    or print "not ok 12\n";

($count == $rows)
    and print "ok 13\n"
    or print "not ok 13, count=|$count|, rows=|$rows|\n";

# Now we make a syntax error, to test the callbacks:

&Sybase::DBlib::dbmsghandle (\&msg_handler); # different handler to check callbacks

($X->dbcmd("select * from systypes\nwhere") == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::SUCCEED)
    and print("ok 14\n")
    or print "not ok 14\n";

($X->dbsqlexec == &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::FAIL)
    and print("ok 16\n")
    or print "not ok 16\n";

&Apache::Sybase::DBlib::dbmsghandle ("message_handler"); # Some user defined error handlers

$date1 = $X->newdate('Jan 1 1995');
$date2 = $X->newdate('Jan 3 1995');

($date1 < $date2)
    and print "ok 17\n"
    or print "not ok 17\n";

($days, $msecs) = $date1->diff($date2);
($days == 2 && $msecs == 0)
    and print "ok 18\n"
    or print "not ok 18\n";

$ref = $X->sql("select getdate()");
(ref (${$$ref[0]}[0]) eq 'Apache::Sybase::DBlib::DateTime')
        and print "ok 19\n"
    or print "not ok 19, ref=|",ref(${$$ref[0]}[0]),"|, value=|",${$$ref[0]}[0],"|\n";

print "
\n"; sub message_handler { my ($db, $message, $state, $severity, $text, $server, $procedure, $line) = @_; if ($severity > 0) { print STDERR ("Sybase message ", $message, ", Severity ", $severity, ", state ", $state); print STDERR ("\nServer `", $server, "'") if defined ($server); print STDERR ("\nProcedure `", $procedure, "'") if defined ($procedure); print STDERR ("\nLine ", $line) if defined ($line); print STDERR ("\n ", $text, "\n\n"); # &dbstrcpy returns the command buffer. if(defined($db)) { my ($lineno, $cmdbuff) = (1, undef); $cmdbuff = &Apache::Sybase::DBlib::dbstrcpy($db); foreach $row (split (/\n/, $cmdbuff)) { print STDERR (sprintf ("%5d", $lineno ++), "> ", $row, "\n"); } } } elsif ($message == 0) { print STDERR ($text, "\n"); } 1; } sub error_handler { my ($db, $severity, $error, $os_error, $error_msg, $os_error_msg) = @_; # Check the error code to see if we should report this. if ($error != SYBESMSG) { print STDERR ("Sybase error: ", $error_msg, "\n"); print STDERR ("OS Error: ", $os_error_msg, "\n") if defined ($os_error_msg); } INT_CANCEL; } sub msg_handler { my ($db, $message, $state, $severity, $text, $server, $procedure, $line) = @_; if ($severity > 0) { ($message == 102) and print("ok 15\n") or print("not ok 15\n"); } 1; } ---------------------------------- Last but not least, the screen dump from Netscape: Test of Apache::Sybase::DBlib Sybperl Version This is sybperl, version 2.07 Sybase::DBlib version 1.31 02/04/97 Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Michael Peppler ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 ok 4 ok 5 ok 6 ok 7 ok 8 ok 9 ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 ok 14 ok 15 ok 16 ok 17 ok 18 not ok 19, ref=||, value=|Mar 19 1997 8:12:42:713PM| Now I have a BIG question about test 19. The ref item is a date, but ref(date) is null. ?????? Sorry, but I will not have any time to maintain or update this module. ANYONE who wants to take it over and put their name on it is OK with me. -- Brian Millett Technology Applications Inc. "Heaven can not exist, (314) 530-1981 If the family is not eternal" F. Ballard Washburn