package Apache::SSI; use Apache (); use Apache::Options qw(&OPT_EXECCGI); #for exec use HTML::TreeBuilder (); use HTTP::Date; use File::Basename; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::TreeBuilder); #$Id:,v 1.14 1997/03/10 00:25:45 dougm Exp $ $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.14 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); #wherever you choose: #AddHandler perl-script .phtml #add this to srm.conf: #PerlModule Apache::SSI #in access.conf or .htaccess say: #PerlResponse Apache::SSI::handler sub handler { my($r) = @_; %ENV = $r->cgi_env; #for exec $r->content_type("text/html"); $r->send_http_header; my $p = Apache::SSI->new($r); $p->parse_file($r->filename); $r->print($p->as_HTML); } sub magic_type { my($self, $file) = @_; $file =~ /\.phtml$/; #temp hack for 'include' directive } sub find_file { my($self, $args) = @_; my($file,$virtual) = @{$args}{qw(file virtual)}; my $ret; return if $file =~ /^\.\./; my $r = $self->{_r}; my $base = dirname $r->filename; if($file !~ m,^/,,) { $ret = join "/", $base, $file; } return $ret if -e $ret; $r->log_error("Apache::SSI couldn't find file $to_parse $!"); undef; } sub new { my($class, $r) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new; $self->{_r} = $r; $self; } sub perlsub { my($self, $args) = @_; my $sub = $args->{sub}; return defined &{$sub} ? &{$sub} : &{"main\:\:$sub"}; } sub comment { my($self, $comment) = @_; return unless $comment =~ s/^#//; $comment =~ s/\s*$//; my($action, $args) = split /\s+/, $comment, 2; $self->pos->push_content($self->$action({ split(/\s+|=/, $args) })); } sub echo { my($self, $args) = @_; my $r = $self->{_r}; &{"$args->{var}"}($r); } sub DATE_GMT { time2str; } sub DATE_LOCAL { scalar localtime; } sub DOCUMENT_NAME { basename $_[0]->filename; } sub DOCUMENT_URI { $_[0]->uri; } sub LAST_MODIFIED { lastmod($_[0]->filename); } sub fsize { my($self,$args) = @_; (stat($self->find_file($args)))[7]; } sub lastmod { my($file) = @_; time2str((stat($file))[9]); } sub flastmod { my($self, $args) = @_; lastmod($args->{file} || $self->{_r}->filename); } sub exec { my($self, $args) = @_; #XXX did we check enough? my $r = $self->{_r}; my $filename = $r->filename; unless($r->allow_options & OPT_EXECCGI) { $r->log_error("httpd: exec used but not allowed in $filename"); return ""; } `$args->{cmd}`; } sub include { my($self, $args) = @_; my $r = $self->{_r}; my $p = Apache::SSI->new($r); my $to_parse = $self->find_file($args); if($p->magic_type($to_parse)) { $p->parse_file($to_parse); return $p->as_HTML; } else { local *FH; open FH, $to_parse; # or $r->log_error return join '', ; #eek #close FH; } undef; } sub config { "*** 'config' directive not implemented by Apache::SSI"; } #test for perlsub directive sub main::remote_host { $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}; } sub main::env { join('', map { "$_ = $ENV{$_}\n"; } keys %ENV); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::SSI - Implement Server Side Includes in Perl =head1 SYNOPSIS wherever you choose: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::SSI You may wish to subclass Apache::SSI for your own extentions package MySSI; use Apache::SSI (); @ISA = qw(Apache::SSI); #embedded syntax: # sub something { my($self, $attr) = @_; my $cmd = $attr->{cmd}; ... return $a_string; } =head1 DESCRIPTION Apache::SSI implements the functionality of mod_include for handling server-parsed html documents. Each "command" or element is handled by an Apache::SSI method of the same name. attribute=value pairs are parsed and passed to the method in an anonymous hash. This module supports the same directives as mod_include, see it's documentation for commands and syntax. In addition, Apache::SSI supports the following directives: =item perlsub This directive calls a perl subroutine: Hello user from =head1 CAVEATS This module is not complete, it does not provide the full functionality of mod_include. There is no support for xssi directives. =head1 SEE ALSO For much more power, see the L and L modules. mod_include, mod_perl(3), HTML::TreeBuilder(3), Apache(3), HTML::Embperl(3), Apache::ePerl(3) =head1 AUTHOR Doug MacEachern