gargle 1.2.1

Dependency changes

gargle 1.2.0

Workload identity federation

credentials_external_account() is a new function that implements “workload identity federation”, a new (as of April 2021) keyless authentication mechanism. This allows applications running on a non-Google Cloud platform, such as AWS, to access Google Cloud resources without using a conventional service account token, eliminating the security problem posed by long-lived, powerful service account credential files.

credentials_external_account() has been inserted into the default registry of credential-fetchers tried by token_fetch(), which makes it automatically available in certain wrapper packages, such as bigrquery. credentials_app_default() recognizes the JSON configuration for an external account and passes such a call along to credentials_external_account().

This new feature is still experimental and currently only supports AWS. This blog post provides a good high-level introduction to workload identity federation.

Other changes

The email argument of credentials_user_oauth2() accepts domain-only email specification via a glob pattern. The goal is to make it possible for code like PKG_auth(email = "*") to identify a suitable cached token when executed on the machine of either or

gargle now throws errors via cli::cli_abort(), which means error messages now have the same styling as informational messages.

Dependency changes

aws.ec2metadata and aws.signature are new in Suggests.

gargle 1.1.0

OAuth token cache

Two changes affect stored user OAuth tokens:

For users who accept all default behaviour around OAuth, these changes just mean you will see some messages about cleaning and moving the token cache. These users can also expect to go through interactive auth (approximately once per package / API), to obtain fresh tokens made with the current tidyverse OAuth app.

If the rolling of the tidyverse OAuth app is highly disruptive to your workflow, this is a good wake-up call that you should be using your own OAuth app or, perhaps, an entirely different auth method, such as using a service account token in non-interactive settings. As always, these articles explain how to take more control of auth: * *

User interface

The user interface has gotten more stylish, thanks to the cli package (

All errors thrown by gargle route through rlang::abort(), providing better access to the backtrace and, potentially, error data. These errors have, at the very least, the gargle_error class and may also have additional subclasses.

gargle_verbosity() replaces gargle_quiet(). Each such function is (or was) a convenience wrapper to query the option with that name. Therefore, the option named “gargle_verbosity” now replaces “gargle_quiet”. If “gargle_verbosity” is unset, the old “gargle_quiet” is still consulted, but the user is advised to update their usage.

The new “gargle_verbosity” option is more expressive and has three levels:

The helpers with_gargle_verbosity() and local_gargle_verbosity() make it easy to temporarily modify the verbosity level, in the spirit of the withr package.

Other changes

There is special error handling when OAuth token refresh fails, due to deletion of the associated OAuth app. This should help users who are relying on the default app provided by a package and, presumably, they need to update that package (#168).

gargle_oob_default() returns TRUE unconditionally when running in RStudio Server.

response_process() gains a remember argument. When TRUE (the default), gargle stores the most recent response internally (with auth tokens redacted). Unexported functions gargle:::gargle_last_response() and gargle:::gargle_last_content() facilitate post mortem analysis of, e.g., a failed request (#152).

google.rpc.ErrorInfo errors are explicitly handled now, resulting in a more informative error message.

request_retry() is better able to detect when the per-user quota has been exhausted (vs. the per-project quota), resulting in a more informed choice of backoff.

Dependency changes

cli is new in Imports.

rstudioapi is new in Imports.

rappdirs is new in Imports.

httpuv is new in Suggests. We encourage its installation in interactive sessions, if we’re about to initiate OAuth flow, unless it’s clear that out-of-band auth is inevitable.

gargle now relies on testthat >= 3.0.0 and, specifically, uses third edition features.

mockr is new in Suggests, since testthat::use_mock() is superseded.

gargle 1.0.0

gargle 0.5.0

gargle 0.4.0

gargle 0.3.1

gargle 0.3.0

gargle 0.2.0

gargle 0.1.3